We are all about Digital advertising

Port:Net connects quality Georgian web portals, offering centralized banner and video advertising through a single platform. Reach your audience effectively and efficiently with us.




What is Port:net

Port:net is an amalgamation of local websites where targeted and centralized banner and video advertising is placed through a single platform.


Portnet unites medium and small Georgian web portals, which are distinguished by quality content and a unique audience.

For Advertisers

Precision targeting for ideal audience resonance and engagement

Enhanced campaign effectiveness with trusted Georgian content partners

Centralized Advertising –
time-saving banner and video ad management.

Optimize ROI with data-driven reporting and decision-making tools

For Publishers

Precision targeting for ideal audience resonance and engagement

Enhanced campaign effectiveness with trusted Georgian content partners

Centralized Advertising –
time-saving banner and video ad management.

Optimize ROI with data-driven reporting and decision-making tools

Add Spaces

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Let’s Talk.

Send us the information about your project and we will contact you as soon as possible!